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Thursday, January 19, 2012


I figured I might just dust off this old blogity blog because a reeeeal gem has come along to solidify my feelings about Wisconsin folk.  Or, as you outsiders like to pronounce it, WesKAWNsin.  You're so cute! 
So, my theory about the fantastic Sconnie eeaccent is this:  The amount of accent present in Sconnie natives is directly related to the amount of education/intelligence.  Seriously, college educated folks like my in-laws (quite well-to-do) have nearly no accent despite living here their entire lives.  But people who, say, are in the agricultural business...well let me just say, Ho jeese, theeat's creeazy, eh?  If you aren't familiar with the accent, please do let me introduce you to it, I'm sure you will find it to be music to your ears.
Welcome to Assorted Trim and Door  Theeanx Deeeon.
And if that wasn't enough, a lovely video to display to you the overly enthusiastic love of the Packers:

This is evidence that all the rumors about Wisconsin and drinking are true.  Believe it people.  This is what I'm dealing with!  No wonder Wisconsin produces so many mass murderers!  Hoaly geezah!  Iee gotta git owt a heeur.


  1. It's the same in Yorkshire, the more educated people are, the posher they sound. Sadly my accent is broad Yorkshire and I sound like a farmer slinging shit out of a tractor.

    1. Well to us, all foreign accents sound intoxicating. I doubt the same can be said of the Wisconsin accent. Pretty aweful, even if you're from here.

  2. Shhhhh. Relax. Let the beer do its work -- you do have beer, yes? -- and breathe deeply. You'll be fine.

    Wisconsin will do that to a girl.

    And remember that Minneapolis is just a couple hours away. Come to the other side and your first two drinks are on me. (And, if you're not/never have been a drinker, I know where we can get some kick-ass guacamole.)

