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Friday, March 30, 2012

Strange Confessions Friday

It's Strange Confessions Friday.
  Writing the number five is not a comfortable thing for me, and if I have to write several of them in a row, I actually get nauseaus.  Now that is weird, and I am well aware of it.  I have control over it, but it isn't something I enjoy doing.  Maybe something really dark and secretive happened to me when I was five and I have just supressed it. 
Wrinkly fingers have really grossed me out to the point of uncontrollable shivers since I was a kid.  I think it had something to do with my mom, who used to chase me around when her fingers were wrinkly, and in a Wicked Witch of the West voice would proclaim, "I'm gonna give you the wrinkles!"  Blech!  Now, it's my kids who try to torture me when their fingers get wrinkly.  At least I can threaten them and they will stop.  To this day, it pains me to have to sustain any prolonged amount of wrinkling of fingers or toes, and I usually need to get out of the water as soon as it starts, or I begin to shiver uncontrollably.  It's like nails on a chalkboard to me.
The other thing that makes me shiver is the sound (and feel, for that matter) of when a finger swipes across a ceramic plate (usually when hand-washing dishes) and it makes a squeak.  There may be a connection between my loathing of hand-washing dishes, wrinkly fingers and that particular sound.  It was a nearly lethal combo for me when I was younger, as I remember proving my discomfort with marble-sized goosebumps on my skin and tears springing to my eyes, having to bite my lower lip to make it through a load of dishes.  You can imagine, it is still my least favorite job, and I always use the dishwasher.  
If you have the ability to pop a joint, any joint, in and out of place, don't do it around me.  Not that I'm not thouroughly impressed, but it makes me want to pull my eyelids off. 
And the whole flipping your eyelids inside out is another thing I can do without.  What are you thinking, people?  This is why David Letterman came up with the Stupid Human Tricks segment, because people keep giving him material.
I think I'm a pretty normal girl, considering, but that would definitely depend on who you ask, and how deeply they know my secrets. 
What's your strange confession?

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